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Our introduction to submitting your site.
  (i.e.: Getting listed).

BitMedia Internet Information
Submitting ... in a nutshell?
Yes, there is more to it then what we describe below. Call us with your specific questions about how search engines do what they do. Things are always changing, lots of search site information out there is outdated or just plain inaccurate. Always use your best judgement and check with BitMedia for the current facts.
Meta Tags ... simply put

Do you know what a meta tag is? Simply put, a meta tag is nothing more than HTML code. A meta tag describes some aspect of your Web site and is hidden within the pages' source code. Where as most meta tags don't serve much purpose, the ones that describe a page's content and keywords can be critical. That's because many search engines use these descriptive terms to rank and organize your site when they index the Web. While meta tags are great, they aren't required, not every search engine makes use of them - many search engines don't even pay attention to them.

High placement is great for any site, but it's absolutely critical for business sites (those that sell products, services or make money through advertising). Use a few general terms and then add in really specific terms. Also add a hidden comments section, similar to meta tags are <!--comments-->, they're hidden in the pages source code and again can add to your sites find ability. If no one can find you at search sites, then your marketing power is greatly diminished.

Meta tags aren't required. A search engine's spider will still index your site correctly in most instances. But meta tags add an extra level of positioning and refinement and careful placement to your site's positioning with that search engine. Without meta tags the search engines which stumble across your page will probably index your site, but it might not be very accurate. If you had correctly slapped in some meta tags ahead of time, the situation would be much different. You could have specifically targeted the keywords that most clearly define the contents of your site, which in turn would be the keywords users would be most likely to use when searching for your pages.

We're always adding more stuff here too, so keep in touch!

    Search sites ...background  
Search sites are amongst the most mysterious places on the internet. There are no standards on how they should operate and brand recognition, as in any other medium, determines each ones popularity. Search sites can take up to 3 to 4 weeks before indexing your web site (sometimes even several months). Be patient. Requesting to be indexed over and over again will not speed up the process. Remember that search engines are providing you and your viewers with a very useful free service.

    Search sites ...many pages  
Hundreds of millions of pages or locations as a URL determines are the fodder for these search sites. Gathering information is the goal, finding information is the result. Not only is the standard from search engines1 different for search directories,2 but each is always modifying the way they catalog information. All are changing in the interest of fairness, a daunting task buy any standard.
  1. A search engine looks for your site.
  2. A search directory needs to be told about your site.

    Get Listed ...stay listed  
BitMedia has been marketing companies online since 1995, we keep up with the changing technology. There are no guarantees that what worked yesterday will work today or even tomorrow. Our recommendations include relisting your site on a regular basis (which varies on a case by case basis) and changing your content regularly. Metadata content (under the hood information) has less to do with your findability than actual content (what's on your page). Don't be fooled by people selling yesterdays knowledge for tomorrows technology. We base our marketing programs on many facets with proven results, give us a call today and find out how we can help you.




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